Taking time to reflect is beneficial for us all.
We tend to see things in a different light, or perspective, once time has been allowed to pass between events. We might observe changes that have happened for the better, or we might catch ourselves falling into bad habits that we need to address. Reflecting gives us the opportunity to see how far we have (or in some cases haven’t) come. I enjoyed looking over past posts on this blog, as it reminds me of who I was in the past and some ways that I have changed. I hope to pick up blogging once more in the next few weeks.
At that time, the most affordable option to move our stuff from Pennsylvania to Georgia was for us to hold a moving truck packing party (love to our family and church family for loving on us this way) and for my husband to drive the truck down to Georgia, while I followed with our children in the family van.
In the year prior to our move, I began pursuing the idea of minimalism and what that meant for a family of five. So I like to think that we had a significantly less amount of “stuff” to pack up and move, thereby making the whole affair easier than it would have been. We also made several donation runs to the local thrift shop and filled a dumpster in the weeks prior to our movel. Spoiler: we still had a ton of stuff to pack up and move.
Upon our arrival in Georgia, as with the packing, the unpacking was pretty much my responsibility. Some things were unpacked and popped directly into our donation box. Other stuff not placed for use within our home was immediately shuffled up to the attic. I’m currently mentally preparing for a good decluttering session of the attic storage. I’m continuing to pursue what minimalism looks like for a family with five children.
Having made the move to a slightly smaller home, and having less stuff, has contributed to the ease in maintaining this home, when compared to the last. I find I have to spend very little time cleaning due to the setup and layout of the home. As it’s said: a place for everything, and everything in its place. I feel more at peace and able to relax when everything is in order. I have more time to do the things that bring me joy: play with the children, read, write, walk Toby, and spend quiet time with my Heavenly Father.
We found a church where we feel connected. Ironicallly, it was the first church we attended down here as a family. We attended a few more services in other churches, but felt ourselves being pulled back to the first church we visited. The childrens programming is wonderful, and the messages - I don’t know how - often feel like they were meant specifically for me to hear (note: sometimes the truth can hurt, but we can make the choice to learn and grow). I found a ladies group that meets weekly, where I can go and connect with other women and support each other and learn about God’s plan for us. We found a small group that meets weekly, where my husband and I go to connect with other couples and discuss God.
My husband and I joined a Crossfit gym, and we love everything about it. Everyone needs an environment where they are able to encourage and find encouragement in others. Other benefits: new muscles!! more energy!! doing cool things (like running for longer than one minute, push ups, and pull ups!) that I couldn’t do a year ago!!
My husband and I completed our state training in January, and submitted the last of the application paperwork to become foster parents. In March, we welcomed two brothers into our home. It continues to be an adjustment for everyone involved, but we are very thankful to have the support of friends and our church family; particularly of those involved in the Fostering Hope program at our church. This was a new program to our church and as new foster parents, we didn’t know what a huge blessing it would be to our growing family. God’s timing is the best timing.
This past year has brought many changes for us: many blessings, many struggles, some of those struggles resulted in blessing! I’m excited to think of what the Lord might have in store for us all in the upcoming year.
Blessings to you.
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