Monday, August 10, 2015

Lost in the Fog

It is easy to get lost in the moment.  

It is just as easy to get lost in the "moment of young motherhood".  I've discovered this is one of those moments that seemingly knows no boundaries.  It can potentially stretch out from weeks to years, sometimes to the point where your life prior to children seems dreamlike… to think that you once operated on a schedule free from Daniel Tiger, afternoon naps, 8:00 bedtimes, and midnight feedings!  

Unfortunately, along with this beautiful moment, I’m also fully submerged in the "mommy fog", which is seriously impacting my quality of life! It keeps me from seeing and enjoying what’s around me, and prevents me from seeing what’s ahead. Occasionally, I will stumble across a clearing and manage to get a glimpse of things, marveling at the blessing that life is; but those moments are all too short and sure don’t happen often enough.

In his short story The Three Questions, Leo Tolstoy says “Remember that there is only one important time, and that time is now”.  For me, this is an especially precious time; one that is going to fly by so quickly that I'll probably spend the rest of my life wondering where the time went. My children are young, beautiful, forgiving, playful, curious, animated, and kindhearted.  They can also be messy, selfish, bossy, and downright mean.  Regardless, these are years that are worth remembering and enjoying

The truth is, I don’t think young mothers are the only ones to suffer from the “fog”.  If you aren’t sleeping long enough or well enough at night, you may find yourself in a fog for the better part of your day.  Being stressed and occupied by the events of work today or tomorrow may be taking a toll on your leisure time.  Perhaps you have not achieved all you wished  by this point of your life and this knowledge keeps your from enjoying your current situation. Whatever the cause, the fog is stealing away the quality of our life.

So I’m challenging you to come to this table. Begin a journey with me to escape the fog- whether you’re a mother, overwhelmed with distractions in life, or a workaholic - to maximize and enjoy the time you have with your family and friends, and maybe even learn something new about yourself.  Let’s make a commitment to get out of this fog and begin living a life where we can truly enjoy the present and the relationships around us.


  1. I'm with you! The fog can set in at any time of life, but realizing that fact is the first step toward seeing past it.

  2. You are right Lisa! I feel like this is one of the worst times for it to set in... the children are only young for a very short time. Hoping to use this blog as a time of reflection, to shout out "God gave us life, life is good!", and to send out encouragement.
