Does your closet look something like this? |
Did you get a chance to play around with Polyvore? Check out some ideas on Pinterest? Get your outfit option wheels spinning? I hope so, because your perfect wardrobe is closer than you think. A few more steps and preparing for your day will be that much sweeter. Putting together a capsule will simplify your morning routine, saving those tough decision making skills for the day ahead. You’re going to look good - and more importantly - feel good. The only problem you might face is what to do with your extra time… but who wouldn’t love to have that problem? This is a great exercise, even if you aren’t interested in continuing to the level of capsule wardrobe.
What you will need:
A bed or wide place to spread out clothes.
A storage box (Something durable like a large rubbermaid tub)
Trash can
Step 1:
Place every article of clothing you own on your bed. Your job today is to clean out your closet and sort your clothing into one of four categories.
Pile 1
Pile 2
(Storage Box)
Items that:
-You love
-fit your body well
-make you look good
-make you feel good wearing them.
Items that:
-are out of season
-you don’t wear, but are hesitant to let go of.*
Pile 3 (Box-Items to be donated)
Pile 4 (Trash)
Items that:
-don’t fit
-you haven’t worn in a year
-don’t fit your color analysis (make you look tired or washed out)
Items that:
-are stained
-have holes
-are ripped
*If your goal is a capsule wardrobe, with fewer items and more versatility, I recommend keeping seasonal storage limited to one storage tub. Look at it this way: you are freeing up closet space by storing the stuff you won’t be wearing that season (ex: heavy sweater in the middle of summer), and you are setting a limit as to how much you are actually storing at home. Setting that limit will encourage you to make some tough decisions too; especially when you begin to run out of space. You will begin to see which items you favor more, and which are easier to let go of.
Example: You have room for one more item in your storage box, but five storage items left on your bed. Which one item do you choose to store?
Step 2:
Put away the items unrelated to your capsule or wardrobe: your undergarments, your workout/hobby/activity clothes, your pajamas, and your swimwear.
Step 3:
Store away the rubbermaid tub.
Put the donation box in your car.
Take out your trash bin (if it’s full of clothes).
Step 4:
This is where the fun begins! Spread out everything left that you love, that feels good, and fits well, on your bed. What do they have in common? Make notes of common materials, clothing types, and colors. As you look at each item, ask yourself what you like about it. Is it the length of the sleeves? The shape of the neckline? This step can help clue you in to your personal style, if you didn’t get a chance to check out this quiz from the last post. These observations will serve as your guidelines for future shopping trips.
Step 5:
Find your basic pieces. The versatile ones that go with just about everything. They should be a dark or neutral/white color. Are you missing any basic pieces? Would you like a new pair of dark pants for work, a cardigan for cooler days, or dress that can easily transition from a day at work to a night out on the town? Make a note of the basic additions you would like to make to your closet.
It never hurts to have a list when shopping, to keep you on track and focused with what you need, rather than impulse buying or mindlessly shopping. I like using Polyvore as it allows me to easily add items to a visual list. If you’ve found a specific clothing item online that you love, you can link it through Polyvore, to purchase at a later date. If you find yourself needing something general, like a white t-shirt, you can simply do a “white t-shirt” search and add it to your visual to represent whatever white t-shirt you actually end up purchasing the next time you go shopping.
Step 6:
Shopping and filling in your wardrobe gaps. This is not something to be done all at once. I am constantly looking for a new piece to add to or replace something in my closet. I am by no means successful in finding a new piece every time I go shopping either. Having a wardrobe capsule and trying to keep items to a happy minimum has probably earned me the “world’s pickiest shopper” title. If the color is wrong, the material feels off, the sleeves aren’t quite long enough… it’s staying in the store.
We all have an idea of which pieces aren’t right for us, and which stores are more likely to sell what it is that we are looking for. Look to the brands that you’ve been pleased with in the past and that have a comfortable fit. Stick to what goes along with your style, as well as with the other items already in your wardrobe. Hold out for the pieces that you love.
If you have questions, comments, or are giving your wardrobe a good clean out- I would love to hear about your adventures below.